THE QUEST CENTER SPRING 2022 class registration

 Thank you for your interest in the Quest Center! Brief curriculum descriptions are available at

Please read CAREFULLY & COMPLETELY before registering your child. Children must be in grades 4-12 to register. Each class requires 4 or more students or may be discontinued. Complete all fields and be sure to hit SUBMIT. Please direct any questions to or 615 326 5090

All classes begin/resume the week of January 3, 2022. Classes are based on full-year curriculum (Sept-Dec; Jan-May). Schedule is subject to change, and not all classes are available every semester. Additional sessions may be added. NO CHILD IS EVER TURNED AWAY FOR FINANCIAL REASONS, BUT EVERYONE IS EXPECTED TO CONTRIBUTE. Confidential assistance available, so please contact

1) Unless otherwise noted or agreed, all classes are $15/student/class. Unless other arrangements have been agreed, payment is expected MONTHLY IN ADVANCE for student to attend class. Full-semester advance payments are encouraged; refunds will be issued for any missed or cancelled classes. PLEASE NOTE: Payment is expected for any unscheduled absence unless the Quest Center is notified at least 3 hours prior to start of class. ‘No-shows’ will be charged regular class fee. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL PAYMENTS. Non-payment may result in student’s termination from class.

2) While students can LEARN to play an instrument in 45 minutes per week, they’ll only get GOOD playing at home. I commit to having my child practice at home, attend classes regularly and arrive prepared for all lessons. Out of consideration for all students, anyone who misses 2 consecutive, scheduled classes will be considered terminated for the current semester unless student attends a make-up class.

3) I understand that if student enrollment falls below 4 students in any class, the Quest Center may discontinue that session.

4) The QUEST CENTER IS A 501(C)(3) non-profit charitable organization that relies heavily on pictures and videos of our classes/events to build awareness and funding for our programs. I agree that images/videos of my child may be used on websites, social properties or live-streamed for Quest Center promotional purposes. Your child is also expected to participate in Quest Center fundraisers, which may include live, video or streaming events.